Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Grateful for...

I've been having an overwhelming amount of gratitude this morning. I felt like I needed to stop and write it down before I lose it. To do so, I just plopped Damon down in front of the TV. Probably not the best parenting technique but hey at least it is an educational show. I truthfully have been desiring to do this more often because Damon no longer takes naps. Zero. Zip. It's like he joined a "No Nap" club when he turned 2. And he's starting to get into everything! He's peeing on my earrings (He found where I leave my earrings which is in the bathroom drawer. He took his diaper off because I told him he was going to take a shower but then Garrett helped me put the sheets back onto our bed, which distracted us..once finished we walked into the bathroom to find the pre scene lol) He's making murals out of the upstairs bedroom wall, he's starting to throw things into the toilet. I always have to have an eye on him and he's so tired, I know he is, which equals shorter temper and tantrums occurring on both parties :) General Conference came at a perfect time. It's a time that helps me re-evaluate how I want to be as a person and mother. I'm far from perfect and I'm working on my patience level. Damon does give me sweet reminders here and there. After a screaming NOOO session at me, I placed him in time out which brought on tears. I told him he could leave his spot when he was ready to calm down and listen. I asked him if he was ready, he looked at me with a contrite look and said, "Mmm Hmm." He walked sweetly over to me and as I talked to him, telling him what he did wrong he just cupped my chin while kind of patting it, then looked at me so sweetly. It looked as if he was truly listening. Even if he was just manipulating me and trying to get out of the worked lol. I didn't feel like it was that way though, it was a reminder to me that he naturally has a sweet soul. He's just in a stage where he is trying to figure out his emotions. I'm learning how to work with them too, sometimes I don't understand him. Which doesn't matter, I'm the mother, I understand emotions more so, I need to be the patient teacher. That has really rung true to me lately. What has also rung true is the fact that I am a mother. I get to do the best calling, the best job ever. I get to help guide a human being! And each day I am saving him from the world. Like saving him from running out in the street or just feeding him--he is completely dependent on me keeping him alive. That's a significant statement. What a magnificent calling to give a human being alive but not only physically. Mentally and spiritually. What I teach him now, the knowledge he retains may save him later on in many circumstances. My hope is that I can be what he needs now and later on. It can be overwhelming just thinking about the me I need to be. One of the Conference talks talked about how his life was going perfect but after talking with a friend he realized that he could be doing better. It hit me, how can I be doing can I be a better mother and wife. It's always good to re-evaluate and I'm so grateful for the Savior who has allowed us to start over EVERY SINGLE day. Each day is a new day that we can be better.

I'm feeling pretty good today. I'm going to be an Aunt again, today. Lacey went into labor with her 5th child this morning! I believe they are going to be naming him, Crew. I can't wait! And Charity has her 3rd in November. More babies the merrier! I'm so proud of these girls sacrificing their bodies to play a part in the creation of man. And, both these girls sacrifice their time to be full time stay at home moms. I truly look up to Lacey and Charity, I hope and pray that (especially when it comes Garrett and my time to increase our family with more children) I can be half the mother that they are.

There are so many more things that I am grateful for that I will continue to write in other posts!

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