Monday, September 10, 2012

Moments to Remember

After the baby shower in Oregon I was anxious to make it back home to my sweetheart (I love the word sweetheart because that is what Garrett always calls me--the way he says it is so cute and genuine. Also Garrett calls me Nena. Its a Spanish endearment that kind of translates over to baby or baby girl. I love my being called both) especially after being away from him for a week! 
When Garrett picked me up he was very tricky and told me that we were going to help the Ubri's move out so we could move into that apartment sooner (This was on August 3rd-we decided to move out of our first apartment--University Gateway and move into a two bedroom apartment--Woodshed. We took over the apartment from our friends--the Ubri's because they were moving to Utah and we would still get to be in our same ward.) The whole time I was in Oregon Garrett kept telling me that the Ubri's still were waiting on their apartment in Utah, meaning we still had to wait. The day before I came home Garrett said that the Ubri's needed alot of help especially since they had a couple weeks old baby boy (named Calder, he is so cute). So straight from the airport we went to the Ubri's so Garrett we could help and for us to always bring somethings up since apparently one of the rooms was vacant for us to unload in (or so Garrett said and I totally believed him). Garrett went up first and I went to put trash in the trashcan then walked up into the apartment expecting to say hi to the Ubris. When I walk in I find myself walking into the apartment with all our pictures up against the wall and our tv up against the wall. Being shocked, I still thought the Ubris were there hiding somewhere even though I was staring at my husband recording me on his phone. 

I couldn't believe it. Lacey, Megan and Meta even came over and helped clean and move the things over. It all made sense then, there were a couple nights when I was in Oregon (Mostly the night before I came home to him) where I would call my husband at night expecting to have a nice talk before I went to sleep but it felt like he didn't want to talk to me. The conversation went on for only 5 mins or so. It made me sad because we were gone from each other for so long. The true reasoning behind it all was because he was trying to finish up the move late that night so I could come home to us fully moved in.  What a wonderful surprise! 
And just being able to see him again after a week of being without him, was the sweetest reunion. I hate being away from him for so long.

So the next day was my cousins wedding in Idaho Falls. My parents drove all the way out for it and brought out all the baby shower presents at the same time (we got lucky--I don't know how else we would have gotten everything out here)
I love these pictures of Garrett. He took my mom's purse so he could get a nice picture of her with dad.

He is such a hoot, he made this stance to get the right angle of them. Of course he made us all laugh, as you can see from my mom and dad's faces. Garrett is such an amazing man, I love his fun, loving, genuine personality. He has the personality and attitude where no one could not love him. 

Another of him :) But here he is struttin' his stuff :)

This picture was awhile after mom and dad left. Garrett just got home from work (working on fences) and was very dirty. Garrett is so tan right now and has wicked tan lines but the dirt added onto the ridiculousness.

I love this pose he makes :) We call it the leg up, so cute :)

My handsome husband after a long day of work 

Above is how we sleep now-a-days haha. Since it has been the summer, it has been hot in our new apartment--especially since we have no AC. So to keep the house cooler we open the windows to let the wind blow in (if its windy outside--which it is) so we have to pull up the blinds otherwise the blinds smack against the window. Across from us is a house that has motion censored lights. The bugs constantly make the lights go on. Its on the entire night but every now and then it flickers (it gets us excited when it turns off then all of a sudden it flicks back on--depressing I know). So to make our room dark we put Garrett's dress socks on over our eyes. It works very well! 
I've been surprised to find that they stay on our eyes all night long, I don't think Garrett and I move very much at night because they always stay on. 

Here is me with my project I finished for Baby Boy. It is exactly how I feel for our son. It took me awhile to finish it (especially since I wrote out the letters with a paintbrush--very hard but so worth it) 

Garrett is such a sweetheart. He takes such good care of me. Since it is more difficult to bend over these days, Garrett is constantly painting my toenails or rubbing me feet. A lot of the time he does it without me even asking. I am one lucky girl!

We have a rocking chair now! I love it, I love to rock, so I am beyond excited to have a rocking chair now :)

For FHE Garrett and I had a fun activity to help us prepare for our baby boy. We got our bags packed for the hospital and then played some games. Since Garrett and I have been into watching Biggest Loser lately I decided to have us dress this teddy bear in our Boy's clothes. We raced each other, seeing who had the best time...but since Biggest Loser always has twists I then had us do it again but blind folded. Whoever got the time closest to their previous time won. I won this challenge (in fact I got the exact same time!)
The next challenge was to see who put the diaper on the bear the fastest....Garrett won
And the third challenge was to see who swaddled the bear the fastest...Garrett won that also

The prizes were cute Halloween onesies for baby (so he can look fly on his daddy's birthday and during daddy's birthday month) and the grand prize was lifesavors (so Garrett could have them for church since he is there all day with his bishopric duties)

Here's the teddy bear wearing baby boy's cute outfit :)

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